Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Want to Go...

to Bahia.
Bottom photo: Emilio Navarino


Lauren said...

Meeeee too! Will's sister lived down there for a year "suntanning" abroad...I mean studying. Been dying to go...sporting my bonfim da bahia now and maybe forever. Don't think it will ever fall off making all my wishes come true!

irina said...

those little bracelets stay on for like 3 year! In the "olden" days they were made of cotton and would fall of in a few months/weeks, but the "new" poliester ones are much sturdier!

My husband was born in Salvador and we have been several times to visit - it is a wonderful place. Go during carnaval - it is the "people's" caranval in Bahia - much less of a show of Rio (no samba schools), lots of music!